Background: Career mapping is an effective strategy for providing nurses with a clear direction and a realistic time\nscale for achieving their career goals. The purpose of this research is to investigate career mapping for nurses at a\nnew hospital in Jakarta.\nMethod: The study design is qualitative and implements a focussed case study approach. Data were collected from\nfocus group discussions (FGDs) with two groups: one group consisted of eight staff nurses and the other consisted\nof six nurse managers. An inductive content analysis of all transcripts from the FGDs and of field notes was\nconducted independently.\nResult: This research produced seven themes that together portray the entire career mapping process. In Hospital\nX, the career map for a particular nurse is based on the level of formal education, the length and nature of their\nwork experience and a competency assessment. A self-assessment process and considerations related to\ncompetence in all aspects of nursing have been included in the process for nurses at Hospital X. The idea that\nnurses should be positioned in a working environment that matches their level of competency is a fundamental\nprinciple for nursing managers.\nConclusion: As a new hospital, Hospital X has implemented nurse career mapping and striven for accreditation.\nCareer developments not only become the responsibility of an organisation but also the responsibility of individuals\nto develop themselves and their careers.